Arguably the centrepiece of the process. Empathising offers us insight into the users’ needs, and how they think, feel, and behave. Each method used to gain empathy attempts to enhance the designers understanding of their users and the market, and appreciate exactly what users need and want from their products.
Collating the information captured from the empathise stage to define the design problems and challenges.In this stage designers a re able to create an actionable design problem statement which would inspire the generations of ideas to solve it.
Ideation stage is to use creativity and innovation in order to develop solutions. By expanding the solution space, the design team can look beyond the usual methods of solving problems in order to find better, more elegant, and satisfying solutions to problems that affect a user's experience of a product.
Desiging stage involves producing an early, inexpensive, and scaled down version of the product in order to reveal any problems with the current design. Creating Protoypes offers designers the opportunity to bring their ideas to life, test the practicability of the current design, and to potentially investigate how a sample of users think and feel about a product.
In The testing stage the designers condust usability testing were the users can test out the solutions implemented in the design.If users experience difficulties, then the design team must revisit their list of potential solutions and strategies in order to establish new ways of solving the same problems. User feedback is priceless; without an understanding of what users need in order to carry out specific activities and tasks, the iterative process will fail.